Planning for a Baptism
Dear Parents,
Welcome to our Parish community!
We are happy to support your family during this special time of preparation for the Baptism of your child and/or your preparation to become a godparent.
Sacraments are visible signs of God’s love; through them and by the actions of the Holy Spirit, Jesus fills us with his grace, heals and strengthens us. Baptism is the beginning of a faith journey, and we congratulate you for choosing this beautiful gift for your child/godchild.
Who can receive infant baptism?
Infant baptism is for children younger than 7 years old. Parents and Godparents commit to raise him/her in the faith, then, parents and godparents attend a class to prepare for this commitment.
What about baptizing a child 7 years or older?
For children 7 years of age and older, please complete a Baptism Registration Form, register the child for PREP (the Parish Religious Ed Program (a.k.a. Sunday School held at SJS) for kids 3K-8th Grade; see the “Resources” tab), and contact the front office to discuss how to proceed. Older children need to learn about the sacraments so they themselves will be able to answer the baptismal questions about rejecting sin and believing in the tenets of the Creed, etc.
How do I register to baptize my child at St. Joseph’s?
- Contact the parish secretary to receive your paperwork and ask any questions you may have. You may also download a Baptism Registration form, complete it and email it to
- Turn in all required paperwork.
- Attend the Baptism Preparation Class. If the child to be baptized is age 6 or younger, the next Baptism Class (for the child’s parents and godparents) is on Saturday, December 16, 2023, at 5:45 in the Social Hall.
- Please contact the church about baptismal preparation for children ages 7 or older.
I want to baptize my child at a different Catholic parish…
Please contact the other parish and find out what their requirements are, as they may be slightly different from ours. Most probably, you will be asked to attend a Baptism Class and send information regarding the infant.
After attending a Baptism Class, we will issue you a Certificate of Attendance, which you will send to the other parish along with any other required documents.
About Godparents:
Godparents are an integral part of the Sacrament of Baptism. The Church places great value on their role; as such, please select people who will be Catholic role models for your child.
Godparents are called to perform an officium (CCC 1255) in the Church, where they will walk with your child throughout his/her life, pray for and encourage them, and give advice when needed. Ideally, godparents will be present at their godchild’s First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage.
Here are guidelines for selecting godparents as defined by the Church:
- Only one godparent (man or woman) is needed;
- If there are two godparents, they must be a man and a woman.
- No more than two godparents are allowed.
- Minimum of 16 years old;
- Fully initiated Catholic (has received Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation);
- Is a practicing Catholic (attends Mass regularly and on Sundays, receives the Sacraments of Communion and Reconciliation regularly);
- Lives his/her life according to the teachings of the Catholic Church (single Catholic or married in the Catholic Church – A civil marriage only does not qualify); couples who are cohabiting cannot be godparents); and
- Godparents must take a Baptism Preparation class.
- When coming from outside St. Joseph’s, godparents may be prepared at their home parish and send us verification of that preparation. A letter, not older than 2 years, is sufficient.
- Attach copy of Godparent’s Catholic wedding certificate, if married.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that godparents fulfill all requisites.
- Parents having their child baptized at St. Joseph’s are responsible for gathering all paperwork, especially documents coming from out of state.
I am a parishioner at St. Joseph’s invited to be a Godparent at a different parish…
To be asked to be a Godparent is a great honor and privilege.
Most probably you are being asked to take a Baptism Preparation class and to present a document that verifies your eligibility to be godparent. In other words, they do not know you at the other parish, and they will rely on St. Joseph’s to verify that you are a practicing Catholic and qualify to be a godparent.
Godparents, please contact our parish office for the necessary paperwork.
After attending the class, you will receive a Godparent Letter of Eligibility, which you will then send to the parents/parish where the baptism will take place.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20)