
The musical traditions of the universal church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than any other art…the treasure of Sacred Music is to be fostered with great care

We welcome your involvement in supporting our Music Ministry! Below are our parish ensembles, where we welcome new members.

As well, make sure to look at our Music St. Joseph 2023-24 for dates of our Liturgies, Special Events, and organ and choral concerts. We hope to see you at many of our free events! 

St. Joseph Parish Choir

The parish choir sings Sundays at the 11:00 Mass. This season we will offer Choral Music of Alstott, Elgar, White, Music of the Russian Orthodox, Lotti, Hurford, Perosi, Faure, Vaughn Williams, Archadelt, Vivaldi, and new works by director Gregory Hamilton.

Rehearsals are Wednesdays @ 7:30.

We are always open to new members! Please contact Gregory Hamilton.

St. Joseph Choirsters

Our Children’s’ Choir will resume in January. We follow the Voice for Life program.

Please contact Gregory Hamilton for details.

Schola Cantorum

The Schola Cantorum sings Gregorian Chant  Propers for the 2:00 Extraordinary Form Mass, the last Sunday of every month.  Contact Gregory Hamilton for more information.

Music Interns

We welcome the contributions of our students from Mercer University.

Parish Cantors

Many of our cantors are drawn from the choir. Contact Gregory Hamilton for more information.


We welcome woodwinds, brass and string players for participation in out liturgies and concerts.

Fine Arts Committee

We are looking for interested people to help with publicity, event  management and promotion. Please contact Gregory Hamilton for information.

Dr. Gregory Hamilton, Director of Music
