First Holy Communion & Confirmation

First Holy Communion

Faith Formation at St. Joseph Catholic Church offers sacramental preparation and formation for 2nd graders and older to prepare for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in the Spring of 2025. All parish children need to register and attend, regardless of school affiliation. Student attending SJS will have a modified schedule as they are also being prepared as part of their 2nd grade curriculum. Faith Formation will be using the Faith and Life series while SJS is using the Alive in Jesus series.

While the students are in class, we are offering all parents all opportunity to enrich their faith. This adult faith formation will include discussions on various topics including, but not limited to the following: the scriptural foundations of the Mass, methods of prayer, growth in spiritual life, challenges facing Catholic parents in the modern world, and other important matter relevant to the Catholic family life. Parent of all Communion Preparation students are expected to participate. In addition to the monthly Faith Formation for Parents, there will be a retreat for Communion Preparation in the spring as well as several “family” events – Penance Service, Christmas Mass, and Station of the Cross. Parents should prayerfully consider volunteering to help with at least one of these events.

Important Dates to Remember

  • Saturday, March 1, 2025 – First Reconciliation celebrated as a family.
  • Saturday, April 12, 2025 – Retreat for parents and students begins with a pancake breakfast.
  • Sunday, May 4, 2025 – First Holy Communion Mass & Reception

For a complete list of meetings, retreats, events for Faith Formation for First Holy Communicants, please click here.

The catechists for Faith Formation’s Second Grade are Sandra Jackson, Anne Keast, and June Kountz. Parents, grandparents, and guardians are welcome to sit in on the classes at any time.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation candidates meet at 12:15 at SJS. The 9th graders are in the Library with Billy Kountz and the 8th graders are in the Cafeteria with June Kountz.

Father Christopher is our mentor, guide, and spiritual leader. He is available to the candidates every weekend.

The candidates are using Pflaum’s Gifted with the Spirit Program, the Bible, and the Catholic Catechism in class and for homework. The program has guides for the parents as well as online activities for the students. If you do not have a Bible at home, please let me know and I will give you one. The Bible is also available online at, and the Catholic Catechism is available online as well at

The CONFIRMATION REQUIREMENTS 24-25 are detailed here. More information will follow as requirements are discussed in class.

There are several meetings/workshops/retreats for parents as well as students. See the FAITH FORMATION SCHEDULE FOR 8TH – 9TH GRADE CONFIRMATION PREP 2024-2025 here. Please ‘save the date(s)’ and check the website for changes.

Choosing a sponsor whose witness is empowered by the Spirit is an important part of Confirmation preparation. Please check here for sponsor requirements. The Confirmation Affirmation form can be found here.

Another requirement for Confirmation is service. Each candidate needs to complete 20 hours of service each year. They can choose one from the Possible Service Hours for Confirmation Prep 2024-2025 list here or something similar with approval. The Service Hours Log is here.

We are only meeting twice a month, so makeup work will be required in the event your student must miss a class. I will be sending a separate email regarding ‘at home’ preparation through Pflaum, the publishing company for our ‘Gifted with the Spirit’ books.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your time and patience. Pray for us!

June Kountz, Director of Faith Formation