Faith Formation

My dear young people, only Jesus knows what is in your hearts and your deepest desires. Only He, who has loved you to the end (Jn 13:1), can fulfil your aspirations… Wherever I go I challenge young people – as a friend – to live in the light and truth of Jesus Christ. I urge you to let his word enter your hearts, and then from the bottom of your hearts to tell him: ‘Here I am Lord, I come to do your will!’”

Faith Formation

Everyone is Welcome!

Grades Pre-k3 - 9 on Sundays

Each Sunday morning at St. Joseph’s Catholic School

Grades Pre-K3 – 7 meet @ 9:45 - 10:45 am

Weekly through May 2025

Grades 8 & 9 meet @ 12:15 - 1:30 pm

Twice per month through May 2025

Faith Formation

Everyone is Welcome!

Grades Pre-k3 - 9 on Sundays

Each Sunday morning at St. Joseph’s Catholic School

Grades Pre-K3 – 7 meet @ 9:45 - 10:45 am

Weekly through May 2025

Grades 8 & 9 meet @ 12:15 - 1:30 pm

Twice per month through May 2025

At St. Joseph Catholic Church, our Faith Formation program has an aim to support parents in their role as the first and primary teachers of the Faith to their children. Our goal is to help our young people come to know Jesus Christ better and to love him more.

Faith Formation Information & Registration

Grades Pre-K3 -7 meet each Sunday morning at 9:45 am while grades 8-9 meet Sunday afternoon at 12:15 pm, twice per month. All classes meet at SJS.
All parish families with children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion (including those enrolled at SJS school) should register and participate in our Faith Formation program. First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion will occur in the spring of 2025.

Sacramental preparation for Confirmation is for all 9th graders and older who have already received First Holy Communion. All parish high school students requesting to be confirmed, regardless of school affiliation, should register and attend Faith Formation and to celebrate Confirmation in the spring of 2025.

This year, on the first Sunday of each month, we are offering our parents an opportunity to enrich their faith. This adult faith formation will include discussions on various topics including, but not limited to; the scriptural foundations of the Mass, methods of prayer, growth in spiritual life, challenges facing Catholic parents in the modern world, and many other important matters relevant to Catholic family life. Look for your Flock Note message to arrive one month prior to these lessons designed to support parents.

If you are not registered at St. Joseph Catholic Church, we can help you to do so.

If you can offer any time at all, we will put your talents to work. Not everyone is a teacher but lucky for you, we need help with set-up, clean-up, event planning and lots of other fun things! All sacramental prep parents should prayerfully consider signing up to help with at least one event.

We promise to keep up to date though Flock Note, so you will always know what is happening in Faith Formation. Be on the lookout for your monthly Faith Formation News Flash and let us know what you think! Note: To sign up for Flock Note – text FAITHFORM to 84576

To join our Faith Formation family please register at

Tuition is $50 per child with a $100 maximum per family. Please pay at Every child is welcome regardless of ability to pay.

Baptismal certificates for sacramental prep students should be emailed to

Please call, email or stop by the parish office any time. June Kountz, our Coordinator of Religious Education, is always available at 478-745-1631 Ext. 121 or by email at